Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Faces, Food and Fun

Adorable Andrew
Bearded Braden (Michelle took this picture right before she dropped the lens to Hiram's brand new digital SLR camera on the concrete. Oops! Good thing she is Hiram's favorite daughter)
Never-Not-Cute Nick
Brown Steve, also known as Giovanni
Terrible, Tiny Trisha (although tiny, we wouldn't never think Trish was terrible)
Wacky Zachie

We had some unexpected company for dinner this week. These two boys (Braden and Brown Steve) are never expected but we always love their company.


Adam said...

I'm sorry you dropped the lens. Remind me not to let anyone in the family use our camera ;)

Adam said...

P.S. Those are cool portraits.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the link to the Bigelow's blog. Seth was the counselor in Jon, Pere and I's ward last year. Random. My social world has just shrunk considerably. How do you guys know them?

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, Seth is my nieces husband!!(My brother,s daughter)
small world huh!! Jane

Unknown said...

Fun. We love your family.

Michelle said...

I have every intention of using your camera while you are visiting for Christmas. Love you!

Adam said...

when you pry it from my cold, dead hands

Michelle said...

Don't tempt me Adam.

Anonymous said...

Would you two please just get along!!! I will take the camera's away from both of you !! I mean it!!! Love, mom

Anonymous said...

It's amazing...no matter how far brother and sister are...they still show how much they love each other with some good ol' fashion sarcasm

Anonymous said...

ha, no way! I love Cheyenne! Weird, tell them us Venturas said hello!