Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had a nice mellow Christmas day here at the Alba home. We missed Adam and Andrea who weren't able to stay through Christmas and we missed and felt bad for Trisha who had to work a 14 hour day at the hospital! The rest of us relaxed, read, watched movies and played the new games on the Wii. We also went and played out in the snow for a while which was fun. 
Patrick and Andrew, trying out the babies' new sled down the downhill street.
Michelle being pretty.
Andrew, Michelle and Zachie.
Hiram shoveling snow on the four-wheeler.
Maddie, trying to catch the snowflakes as they fell.
Little Nick coming in from some late night sledding.

We hope you all had a Christmas, we sure did.


Mindy said...

I want Hiram's toy.
I'm glad you all had a good day.

Lincoln said...

Hiram, Jane, Whomever, You are part of my inspiration to blog dude! Check me out. Peter says I have no content but, I'm content with the content. Michelle I love your site, keep inspiring me. Ken and McQuirk? is way funny. Linc