Friday, September 28, 2007

Blast From the Past

We all got a kick out of looking at these old family pictures. Can you spot the picture where Hiram has a mullet? Michelle and Jane have had some pretty timeless hairstyles as well.
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Montserrat said...

Those were so fun to look at! In all honesty, though, you and Hiram haven't changed a bit - the hairstyles have but you guys still look young!

Adam said...

I can't believe how cute everyone is! My favorite is Zach in the bottom left picture. He might have been the cutest baby, but I can't decide. I hope that our kids are as cute! I love you and miss you all!

Adam said...

And never an awkward stage for me!

dusty kay said...

How fun are those! Jane, you have the most beautiful kids!

katie said...

Too cute. How fun to look at these. Thanks for posting them.

Anonymous said...

cutest baby andrea? has anything really changed?